The SC Troopers Association (SCTA) provides multiple benefits to its members, including:
- Survivors’ Death Benefits: All members in good standing have both an accidental death benefit and a life insurance benefit. In addition to those two, all members in good standing who serve as a sworn law enforcement officer also have a line-of-duty death benefit.
- Life Insurance Benefit: All members in good standing receive a Life Insurance benefit; the benefit is $1,500
- Accidental Death Benefit: All members in good standing receive an Accidental Death benefit; the benefit is $2,000.
- Line-of-Duty Death Benefit: All SCTA Law Enforcement Officers in good standing who are killed in the line-of-duty have a $35,000 Line-of-Duty Death benefit.
- A Scholarship Fund: Awarded annually, these scholarships are available to all members in good standing as well as their dependents and spouses.
- Legal Representation: For all active-duty members in good standing, legal representation is provided to assist with internal investigations, grievance proceedings, and coordination with the Insurance Reserve Fund on civil defense within the line of duty.
- An Emergency Relief Fund: Available to any member in good standing who, through no fault of their own, requires financial assistance.
- Subscription to South Carolina Trooper magazine: Published every four months, this is the official publication of the SCTA.
- SCTA Store Discount: Members receive a 20% discount on all merchandise in our store.
- SCTA Membership Card: Identifying you as an SCTA member.
- SCTA member decal: Exclusively for SCTA members, to display on your vehicle.
- Legislative Concerns: The SCTA retains a registered lobbyist to monitor and pursue legislation that will enhance public safety and the working conditions of our members. The National Troopers Coalition performs the same task on the national level.
- National Troopers Coalition (NTC) Membership: The National Troopers Coalition represents State Troopers on a national level.
- Carolina AAA Motor Club Membership: For active members in good standing, this basic membership includes towing, roadside service, and various other benefits.
- Discounts: SCTA members receive discount tickets to various theme parks and recreation areas including Myrtle Beach attractions, Carowinds, Disney, Sea World, and Busch Gardens. Members also receive a Hertz Rental Car discount.
- One of our discounts brokers — — has a website where SCTA members may browse available offers.
- To enroll at this website, contact us and ask for our “Tickets at Work Company Code.” Then, create your TicketsAtWork account and make sure you use our Company Code.